
Dit jaar ontving Jack Abernethy de prijs van de Friend of the Scots Brigade voor zijn master thesis getiteld The Bulwark of the Republic? The Scots-Dutch Brigade in the Second Half of the Eighty Years’ War (1609-1648).

In zijn abstract schrijft Abernethy het volgende: "This thesis examines the role of the Scots-Dutch Brigade in Dutch and Scottish political, military, and social affairs in the second half of the Eighty Years’ War (1609-1648), by utilizing hitherto untapped primary archival material related to its service. The thesis establishes the relationship the Scots-Dutch Brigade had with Scotland, by examining methods of recruitment, motivations to enlist, veterans who returned to Scotland, and the interaction of Scots with other Scots both at home and abroad. The thesis also analyzes the relationship the Scots-Dutch Brigade had with the Dutch Republic by examining the impact the Brigade had on Dutch internal politics during the “Calvinist Revolution” and the Orange Coup (1617-1621), as well as on international politics during the Jülich-ClevesCrises (1610/1614) and the Uskok War (1615-1618). Finally, this thesis analyzes the contributions the Scots-Dutch Brigade made tocrucial moments during the Eighty Years’ War, such as the siege of Bergen-op-Zoom (1622), the siege of ’s-Hertogenbosch (1629), and the battle of Kallo (1638). By using previously unused printed sources and archival material from England, Scotland, and the Netherlands, the thesis provides an original contribution to existing historiography of the Eighty Years’ War, Scotland and the era of the Thirty Years’ War, and offers a correction to extant work on the Scots-Dutch Brigade."

In 2020 publiceerde John Abernethy zijn master thesis (University of St. Andrews), getiteld The Bulwark of the Republic?